Alessandra Donnarumma
Alessandra Donnarumma was born in Napoli (Italy) in 1987.
Starting out in the study of foreign languages and literature she continued her artistic studies at the Academy of fine Arts in Naples. She graduated in Painting, then refined her training in the field of Engraving and Printmaking.
Until 2015 she worked, on a daily basis, in collaboration with the Master Aniello Scotto as assistant in the Printmaking Class at the Neapolitan Academy. 2015 she moved to Germany. Currently living in Leipzig, she dedicates her time working as visual artist freelance. Since 2018 she works as Lecturer for graphic arts and printmaking at the Faculty of Arts at the Erfurt University (DE)

2018-19 Guest Studium at the Academy of fine arts of Leipzig (DE) Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst, Leipzig, Intermedia class, Prof. Alba d’Urbano
2016-17 Advanced University degree in Art Education – Weiterbildung für professionelle Künstlerinnen und Künstler, Fachbereich Kunst der Erziehungswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Erfurt (DE)
2010-13 MFA cum laude in Graphic Arts / Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli (IT)
2006-10 BFA cum laude in Painting / Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli (IT)
since 2018 Lecturer for Graphic Arts and Printmaking at the Erfurt University, Faculty of Arts, (DE)
since 2016 freelance Visual Artist
2014-15 Teacher for Drawing and Art History in Napoli (IT)
2013-15 Assistent professor and workshop supervisor for prof. Aniello Scotto, class of Etching and Printmaking at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli (IT)
2011-12 Assistent professor for prof. Valerio Rivosecchi, class of Drawings and Printmaking History, Accademia di belle arti di Napoli (IT)
2022 Wilhelm Höpfner Preis, Winkelmann Gesellschaft, Stendal (DE)
2022 Gli argonauti per l´incisione, III edizione, Città di Collegno, Torino (IT)
2022 Grafikbiennale 100 Sächsische Grafiken, unter null, Neue Sächsische Galerie Museum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Chemnitz (DE)
2021 Celommi Award, Second International Biennial of Engraving and Sculpture, Teramo (IT) special mention of the jury
2020 Grafikbiennale 100 Sächsische Grafiken, Störenfrieden, Neue Sächsische Galerie Museum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Chemnitz (DE)
2018 Grafikbiennale 100 Sächsische Grafiken 2018 Kräftemessen, Price for Young artists, Neue Sächsische Galerie Museum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Chemnitz (DE)
2018 8th International Artist‘s Book Triennial Vilnius 2018, Lithuania
2017 II Biennale di incisione Giuseppe Maestri, Gabinetto delle stampe antiche e moderne, Museo civico delle Cappuccine, Bagnacavallo, Ravenna (IT) special mention of the jury
2017 XXXI Premio FIBRENUS „Carnello cArte ad Arte“, Sora (IT)
2017 “ORNAMENT – Spurensuche in der Torgauer Stadtlandschaft“ Preisträgerin, Torgau (DE)
2016 XXX Premio FIBRENUS „Carnello cArte ad Arte“, Sora (IT)
2015 XXIX Premio FIBRENUS „Carnello cArte ad Arte“, Sora (IT)
2014 Premio di grafica Pietro Parigi, Calenzano, Florence (IT)
2014 Premio Accademia Small Print per la Grafica d’Arte, Accademia di belle arti, Urbino (IT)
2013 Premio Bonatto Minella, II edizione, oltre il corpo l’anima, Rivarolo Canavese, Turin (IT)
2013 Premio Nazionale delle Arti X edizione, Accademia di belle arti, Bari (IT)
Collections & Exhibitions
IT Archivio delle stampe Adalberto Sartori, Mantova; Archivio Biblioteca Classense, Ravenna; Collezione permanente del Comune di Diso; Gabinetto delle stampe di Bagnacavallo – Museo civico delle Cappuccine, Ravenna; La casa di Schiele Gallery, Benevento; Archivio delle Stampe Contemporanee di Carnello, Frosinone; Fondo „Donne ad Arte“, Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli; Collezione del Comune di Bassano del Grappa, Vicenza; Galleria Controsegno, Pozzuoli; Collezione del Comune di Calenzano, Firenze; Museo naturalistico Palazzo Caccia-Canali, Sant’Oreste, Roma; Areacreativa42, Rivarolo Canavese, Torino; Lions Club, Certosa Reale di Collegno, Torino; Archivio di grafica, Accademia di Belle Arti di Urbino; Museo della Grafica Italiana, Vigonza, Padova; Biblioteca di Area Veterinaria, Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II, Napoli; Museo di Arte Contemporanea e del Novecento, Monsummano Terme, Pistoia; Collezione Ex-libris Biblioteca Bodio Lomnago, Varese; Collezione Associazione Italiana Ex-Libris, Varese.
DE Neue Sächsische Galerie-Museum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Chemnitz; Grafikwerkstatt Dresden, Einrichtung des Amtes für Kultur und Denkmalschutz der Landeshauptstadt Dresden.
ES La Granja, Granada; Academy of fine Arts, Granada.
FR Manifestampe-Fédération nationale de l’estampe, Paris.
BG Largo Art Gallery, Varna.
U.S.A.: Permanent collection of works of the Women’s and Gender Studies program of Slippery Rock University,
Italy, Germany, France, Lithuania, Poland, Japan, England, Canada.
2022 Turbulenzen, Museum für Druckkunst Leipzig DE
2022 III Biennale di incisione Giuseppe Maestri, Gabinetto delle stampe antiche e moderne, Museo civico delle Cappuccine, Bagnacavallo, Ravenna IT
2022 Grafikbiennale 100 Sächsische Grafiken 2022, unter null, Neue Sächsische Galerie Museum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Chemnitz, DE
2022 Ereignis Druckgrafik, BBKL – Mädler Art Forum, Leipzig DE
2022 Triennale di incisione Gli argonauti per l’incisione III edizione, Città di Collegno, Torino IT
2021 Celommi Award 2021 Second International Biennial of Engraving and Sculpture, Teramo IT
2021 22.Triennale Grenchen 2021, Schweiz CH
2020 Grafikbiennale 100 Sächsische Grafiken 2020, Störenfrieden, Neue Sächsische Galerie Museum für zeitgenössische Kunst, Chemnitz, DE
2020 Paradox, Museum in der Lände, Kressbronn am Bodensee , DE
2020 Paradox, Orangerie der Anhaltischen Gemäldegalerie, Dessau, DE
2019 Palindromes, or the imaginary border, concept exhibition Serena Giordano, Curators Alba D’Urbano, Rosa Persico, Emilia Valenza, Palazzo Ziino, Palermo, IT
2019 History in Fashion 1500 Jahre Stickerei in der Mode Grassi Museum für angewandte Kunst, Leipzig DE
2019 Memento mori, 8th International Artist‘s Book Triennial Vilnius, Reed Library of the State University of New York at Fredonia, USA
2019 Grafikbiennale 100 Sächsische Grafiken 2018, Museum für Druckkunst, Leipzig, Germany
2019 Memento mori, 8th International Artist‘s Book Triennial Vilnius, Evanston Art Center“, Evanston, IL, USA
2019 Paradox, Neue sächsische Galerie, Chemnitz, DE
2019 Memento mori, 8th International Artist‘s Book Triennial Vilnius, The Plunge Municipal Clock Tower Library, Lithuania
2019 Memento mori, 8th International Artist‘s Book Triennial Vilnius, Gallery SG, Scuola internazionale di grafica, Venezia, Italy
2019 Paradox, Museum Schloss Burgk, Burgk/Saale, Germany
2019 Empatie/Contaminazioni. Dialoghi tra materia e segno, Curators Sara Bodini, Patrizia Foglia, Renato Galbusera, Diego Galizzi, Ivan Pengo, Museo civico Floriano Bodini, Gemonio (Va), Italy
2019 Voilà Baumwolle Spinnerei, Halle 14, Leipzig, Germany
2019 è Carta! mini carte contemporanee, Rassegna internationale II Biennale, Galleria Mantegna, Milano, Italy
2019 Empatie/Contaminazioni. Dialoghi tra materia e segno, Curators Sara Bodini, Patrizia Foglia, Renato Galbusera, Diego Galizzi, Ivan Pengo, Musei civici, Scuderie del Castello Visconteo, Pavia, Italy
2019 Memento mori, 8th International Artist‘s Book Triennial Vilnius, Museo Leone, Vercelli, Italy
2018 Empatie/Contaminazioni. Dialoghi tra materia e segno, La fabbrica del Vapore, Milano, Italy
2018 Paradox Museum für Druckkunst Leipzig, Germany
2018 è Carta! mini carte contemporanee, Rassegna internationale II Biennale, Museo Galleria Maio, Museo dell’arte in ostaggio, Cassina de’ Pecchi, Milano, Italy
2018 Grafikbiennale 100 Sächsische Grafiken 2018, Neue sächsische Galerie, Chemnitz, Germany
2018 The Martynas Mazvydas National Library of Lithuania, Vilnius, Lithuania
2018 Urbino e le città del libro, Urbino, Italy
2018 Leipzig Book Fair 2018, Leipziger Buchmesse,“Internationale Ausstellung für Künstlerbücher und Handpressendrucke IAKH”, Leipzig, Germany,
2018 8th International Artist‘s Book Triennial Vilnius 2018, Memento mori
2017 II Biennale di incisione Giuseppe Maestri, Gabinetto delle stampe antiche e moderne, Museo civico delle Cappuccine, Bagnacavallo, Ravenna Italy
2017 “ARTE GRAFICA ITALIANA 2017”, Castello di Vigonza, Accademia Vigontina, Padova (Italy)
2017 Contemporary Art fair Padua, Incisori italiani Gallery Vigonza, Italy
2017 “ORNAMENT – Spurensuche in der Torgauer Stadtlandschaft“, Torgau, Germany
2017 XXXI Premio FIBRENUS „Carnello cArte ad Arte“, Sora, (Fr), Italy
2017 Io e la bellezza, Curator Lidia Pizzo, Centrum Latinitatis Europae di Siracusa, Italy
2017 Incisioni al femminile, Curator Veronica Longo, Gallery Atelier Controsegno, Pozzuoli, Italy
2016 Sinfonie Curator Veronica Longo e Rosalba Volpe, Gallery Atelier Controsegno, Pozzuoli, Italy
2016 XXX Premio FIBRENUS „Carnello cArte ad Arte“, Curator Loredana Rea and Marco D’Emilia, Museo Civico della Media Valle del Liri, Sora, (Fr), Italy
2016 C.Arte di Viaggio, VI Edizione Internazionale di Mail Art, Museo comunale di Palazzo Caccia, Sant’Oreste (Roma), Italy
2016 Memorie, Curator Veronica Longo e Rosalba Volpe, Gallery Atelier Controsegno, Pozzuoli, Italy
2015 Da se stesso a se stesso ritorna, Curator Mario Francesco Simeone, Rocca dei Rettori, Benevento, Italy
2015 Tredicidiciotto, Curator Mario Francesco Simeone, La Casa di Schiele, Benevento, Italy
2015 Verso, Curator Mario Francesco Simeone, Palazzo Caracciolo MGallery Collection, Napoli, Italy
2015 XXIX Premio FIBRENUS „Carnello cArte ad Arte“, Curator Loredana Rea and Marco D’Emilia, Museo Civico della Media Valle del Liri, Sora, (Fr), Italy
2015 Arti a confronto, Curator Rosalba Volpe, Gallery Atelier Controsegno, Pozzuoli, Italy
2015 FISAD First International Festival of Schools of art and Design, with E.A.T. Project – Exporting Art Together, Curators Salvo Bitonti and Albertina Academy of fine Arts, Turin, Italy
2015 Mostra di Mail Art, dal cartaceo al digitale, E.A.T. Project – Exporting Art Together, Curator Ornella Piluso,
2015 Library Sant’Ambrogio, Milan, Italy
2015 Mostra di Mail Art, dal cartaceo al digitale, E.A.T. Project – Exporting Art Together, Curator Ornella Piluso, Library Valvassori Peroni, Milan, Italy
2015 Chiaja in Arte, Curators Rotary Club and Academy of fine Arts, quartiere Chiaia, Naples, Italy
2015 Global Images of U.S. Women, Curators Women’s and Gender Studies Program and Matha Gault Art Society of Slippery Rock University, Robert M. Smith Student Center, Slippery Rock University, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
2015 Nascondere, origini, Curator Mario Francesco Simeone, Arte/Studio Gallery, Benevento, Italy
2015 Incisioni al femminile, Curator Veronica Longo, Gallery Atelier Controsegno, Pozzuoli, Italy
2015 Dietro la maschera, Curator Veronica Longo, Gallery Atelier Controsegno, Pozzuoli, Italy
2014 Ville, Velli e Velluti, ossia „Gli animali nella tradizione popolare del ‚700 napoletano“, Curators Academy of fine Arts and Master Aniello Scotto, Villa Campolieto, Ercolano, Italy
2014 Con la mia voce prego gli spiriti e i superiori lumi, Curator Mario Francesco Simeone,
2014 Monumental Complex of San Domenico Maggiore, San Tommaso Hall, Naples, Italy
2014 Gli animali nel mondo dell’arte, Curators Tiziana Todi, Giorgio Zozi e Sandro Signoretti,
2014 Naturalistic Museum Palazzo Caccia-Canali, Sant’Oreste, Rome, Italy
2014 Ex Risottis, Curator Gianfranco Schialvino, Museum of the city Corlegno, Turin, Italy
2014 Premio di grafica Pietro Parigi, Curator Giovanni Surace, Commune’s Council chamber of Calenzano, Florence, Italy
2014 Premio Accademia Small Print per la Grafica d’Arte, Curator Academy of fine Arts Urbino, Academy of fine Arts Urbino, Italy
2013 Premio Bonatto Minella, II edizione, oltre il corpo l’anima, Curators Karin Reisovà and Vittorio Sgarbi, Villa Vallero, Rivarolo Canavese, Turin, Italy
2013 Premio Nazionale delle Arti X edizione, Curator Academy of fine Arts Bari, Murat Hall, Bari, Italy
2013 Patrimoni da Svelare, Exhibitions of drawings, Curator Master Aniello Scotto, Gypsoteca, Academy of fine Arts Naples, Italy
2012 Unicamente Multiplo, Curator Erminia Mitrano, Mostra d’Oltemare, Naples, Italy
2012 Carte tinte, disegni da antichi maestri, Curators Gerardo de Simone and Master Raffaele Canoro, Giardino Gallery, Academy of fine Arts Naples, Italy
2008 NapoliTeatroFestival, exhibition of Studio dal vero da Michelangelo, Curator Master Aniello Scotto, Academy of fine Arts Naples, Italy
Bildende Künstlerin & freie Dozentin
“Ich habe gesehen, dass es im Italienischen zwei Wörter gibt, sonno und sogno, Schlaf und Traum, während das Neapolitanische nur eins hat, suonno. Für uns ist beides dasselbe.”
(Erri de Luca, Montedidio Roman, Graf Verlag 2012 s.11)

Ich entstamme einer Sirene
Wenn Geschichte und Mythos aufeinandertreffen, werden Legenden geboren. Die Stadt Neapel, zuvor Parthenope, dann Neapolis und Palepolis genannt, wurde um 800 v. Chr. als griechische Kolonie gegründet. Der weit in der Geschichte zurückreichende Ursprung ist von zahlreichen Legenden umrankt, in deren Mittelpunkt die Sirene Parthenope steht.
Eine dieser Legenden erzählt von dieser wunderschönen Sirene, die es nicht vermochte, Odysseus mit ihrem Gesang zu betören, und sich daraufhin umbrachte (Odyssee, 12. Gesang). Ihr Leichnam, den die Wellen an Land spülten, wurde demnach zum Ursprung der Stadt Neapel. Ein weiterer Mythos um die Entstehung Neapels verbreitete sich 19. Jahrhundert: Die Sirene Parthenope und der Zentaur Vesuv verliebten sich unsterblich ineinander. Zeus, der ebenfalls in Parthenope verliebt war, beschloss, die beiden Liebenden für immer voneinander zu trennen. Er verwandelte Vesuv in einen Vulkan und setzte ihn an die Golfküste, so dass die Sirene ihn zwar stets sehen, jedoch niemals berühren konnte. In einem Anfall der Leidenschaft brachte sich Parthenope um. Die Wellen spülten ihren Leichnam an den Klippen der kleinen Insel Megaride an, wo die verwunschene Stadt daraufhin Form annahm.
Meine Heimatstadt findet ihren Ursprung also in der Liebe, und all ihre Bewohner sind Geschöpfe dieser Liebe. Auch ich als partenopea, also Neapolitanerin, entstamme der vergeblichen Liebe einer Sirene.
I am descended from a mermaid
When history meets magic, it becomes legend. The city of Naples, first Parthenope then Neapolis and Palepolis, was a Greek colony founded around 800 BC. Its ancient origin is the subject of numerous legends about Perthenope. One of these tells of the beautiful siren who, unable to enchant Ulysses with her song (Odyssey, canto XII), killed herself. Her body, carried adrift by the waves, is said to have given rise to the city of Naples.
In the 1800s another variant of the myth of Parthenope spread. It was said that the siren Partenope and the centaur Vesuvius fell madly in love with each other.
Zeus, who was also in love with Parthenope, decided to separate the two lovers forever, transforming Vesuvius into a volcano at the edge of the gulf, so that the siren could always see him without being able to touch him. In a fit of passion, Partenope killed herself. The waves dragged her body onto the coast of the islet of Megaride and it took on the form of an enchanting city.
My city was born out of love and all its inhabitants are children of this love. I too, a Neapolitan, am the daughter of a mermaid.

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